To facilitate safety and maintain reliable electric service, Steuben Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("SREC") schedules right-of-way ("ROW") clearing in your area every 5-7 years. SREC uses an Integrated Vegetation Management ("IVM") program to maintain system right-of-ways. IVM implements a combination of management strategies tailored to the specific needs of SREC. The result is the most cost effective, safe, and environmentally friendly approach to ROW maintenance for our members. Our IVM program is overseen by a degreed system Forester/ISA Certified Utility Arborist Specialist. Our methodology involves implementing forestry procedures to selectively designate trees for removal and tree trimming. Manual tree trimming and removal techniques are combined with mechanical clearing techniques to provide the most efficient means of removing undesirable vegetation from the right-of-ways. Low volume, selective herbicides are utilized, whenever possible, as the most cost effective way to minimize regeneration of undesirable species within the ROW. Low grow, beneficial, utility friendly vegetation is encouraged to replace invasive and aggressive species that negatively impact the utility. A successful IVM program, is a long term program that requires less vegetation management over time. Only line clearance certified contractors perform routine right-of-way tree work at SREC.
Work is scheduled by substation circuit and is affected by budget capabilities. Unless a significant hazard to the overhead primary line is identified, crews do not perform tree work outside the scheduled circuit. Work is limited to trees that affect overhead primary lines (OHP). SREC crews and contractors do not routinely trim or remove trees affecting a member's service line. Upon request SREC will unhook a service so a professional tree crew can remove or trim a tree in a safe manner.
On occasion due to imminent hazard, storm, outage, or necessity, a line crew may trim or remove a tree. It should be noted that best management practices are not always possible in these situations.
Trees are selected for removal or trim based on industry guidelines and fault potential. Growth rates and tree species are contributing factors as to whether a tree will be removed, trimmed, or left alone. In most cases, you will be given the opportunity to discuss pending tree work with a representative of the contractor conducting the tree work. SREC and it's contractors make every effort to ensure you are contacted prior to work being performed on your property. Herbicide will not be applied without consent from the landowner.
All routine tree trimming is to be in conjunction with industry standards set forth by ANSI A300 guidelines prepared by the Tree Care Industry Association. Industry "best practices" supported by the International Society of Arboriculture and United States Forest Service are adhered to under most circumstances.